Product marking module ShopGold
Product marking module ShopGold is a module that adds to the store a calculator calculating the cost of marking. If you run, for example, a shop dealing in engraving, embroidery, stamping, thermotransfer, etc., the product marking module is for you.
Product marking module ShopGold description:
In the administration panel, parameters and amounts are set. When the customer chooses the interesting marking method, eg engraver or embroidery product marking module ShopGold adds the appropriate amount to the final price of the product. Product marking module ShopGold modifies the administrator’s panel with appropriate fields indicating the selected type of marking, as well as what additional payments are to the ordered products. Product marking module ShopGold also modifies mailing to the client.
Product marking module ShopGold was eventually created for the ShopGold platform, however our company is able to prepare such a module for both PrestaShop and WordPress.
It is an ideal solution for stores dealing in the creation of various types of marking techniques on various types of products. There are many methods of marking, which is why product marking module ShopGold will provide a much easier system for making orders.

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