• wordpressbox

WordPress b&b booking plugin


Support timeSupport time: 12 months

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Nowadays, thanks to the internet we can do many things without the need to go out of our house. The same is for booking. Through internet we can book tickets for cinema, concert, rail, airplane, hotel and much much more. If we need to make a booking for our clients than having the possibility to make it through the internet is a must.

The WordPress b&b booking plugin gives easy possibility to integrate booking functions into your WordPress web page. Calendar with easy to select dates, showed prices and free available dates make it visually good and effective solution for clients.

The WordPress b&b booking plugin is a realalible solution for every company which needs booking functionality.

    For all inquiries regarding products, invoicing, general questions, please use form below.

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    *(required) By using the form, you transfer personal data, you agree to the
    storage and processing of data by Tomsky LTD, Rotherham, UK, which is available.
    During the course you have the answer to data processing.